Club Service
Our club is very proud to serve the community we live in. This page is dedicated to the service events we plan and organize throughout the year that will benefit our community. Many of these events require the support and donations from everyone who is willing to help.
We gladly accept donations, volunteer help, and new membership to help us fulfill our commitment to the community of St. Albans. If you would like to help, please email us at:
In addition to volunteering our time for various community projects, our fundraisers support many local and international activities. Below is a listing of our local activities for 2014-15:
Scholarships - $3,000
Jericho House - $1,000
Christ's Kitchen - $1,000
Project Graduation - $250
SA Western Baseball - $300
St. Albans High School Boosters - $100
WV Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership - $350
Boys & Girls State
Boys & Girls Club - $800
Rotary Foundation - $2,400
Dictionary Project - $432
Adventures in Missions
Food Bank Donations - $1,296
Shelter Box
Community Garden Project - $2,623
Miscellaneous - $1,309
Join us at our Pancake Breakfast in October
Join us at our Spaghetti Dinner in November
Join us at our Pancake Breakfast in May
Join us at our Riverfest booth in June
Join us at a weekly Rotary meeting — we meet every Thursday at noon
Thanks for your support!
Help us to make 2013-2014 an even better year!
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